Woke up this morning and the First thing I did was cut on the television to the weather channel. Something I stop doing since Middle and High School, you know when you crossing your fingers to hear the News say, what you cant wait to tell your parents (NO SCHOOL TODAY!)

AH the joy of being a parent, when you’re not only thinking of yourself!


Omg it’s a girl ya’ll!


You know what I’m still trying to figure out though, who and how do they come up with these names?  This hurricane is called ERIKA! I don’t know how many days old she is, but  lets hope she don’t live long!

In the mean time if you’re not taking Ericka seriously, I would hope you all not only think of yourselves, but your family as well. If you don’t believe she’s going to do any damage, Believe that you want your kids safe no matter what.  Have plenty of food, water, diaper,  and then make it your duty to go out there and rack up!

Believe that no harm will come to your family, but if your neighbors need help, you got them! let us all plan in order just in case Erika comes knocking on our door.

and if she don’t look at the bright side, nothing will go to waste, you just wont be doing any shopping for the next couple weeks or months.

Here is a List of items you may need for your baby’s during the hurricane Season:

Baby Wipes
Baby Food
Can goods
Extra diapers
Diaper rash ointment
Hand Sanitizer
First aide kit
Clothing and bedding
Favorite toy
Face Mask
 If I missed anything please comment it below, for other parents to see.
Be safe out there during the hurricane season everyone!