Have you ever been so connected with someone and so lost in conversation, that you ask them why do you love me? OH NO… For sure I’ve asked that question, I don’t know if I got carried away in conversation or perhaps ran out of things to say.  I recall smiling at the list, I was loved for my appearance, my body, my smile, and my crazy personality. 


My face soon turned sour when I realize what I just asked, and my mind began to wonder; what happens when my appearance began to fade? And happens when my body doesn’t bounce back to perfection after pregnancy? What if my smile gets lost in the midst of the pains and agony that life at times bring?  What happens when my anger makes him realize that thinking I’m crazy is nothing compared to experiencing my craziness. Will he still love me the same? Will he help me look for my smile amidst the chaos, will he love my imperfections when time begins to claim my youth? Because let’s be honest beauty fades and gravity get’s us all. Will your love pass the tests of time?

And just like that I was turned off. A night that started off so well suddenly had me rethinking this whole thing I assume was a relationship.

First of all, I don’t believe in love at first site. Because clearly, it’s all based on SIGHT.  When one falls in love with the physical self, there’s always going to be a woman or a man out there to physically make their head turn. Which can then lead to secret lust problems, which will soon make a cheater out of you. 


When that man or women can no longer draw your gazes, you will soon have eyes for someone else. And let’s be honest you start to compare and soon you begin to utter words like “I am no longer attracted to you”. And just to get your point across you will add little white lies here and there not caring how much you’re cracking the walls of the other’s existence. Now with a broken heart him or her begins to question their self-worth. They begin to rethink what they thought was beautiful and the mirror is now enemy number one, so they began to go the extra mile trying to keep a man. The priorities have shifted, and they feel the need to do extra “ish” just to keep a man, bathing in makeup, going under the knife, spending more time at the gym then with their children… and the list goes on. 

Yes the saying Is true “love makes you do crazy things”, but, I don’t really want to emphasize too much on the CRAZY. Because some people go “physco”.

Not everyone you find knows the true meaning of love; some people are learning as they go along. And as they learn you to will realize the difference, they’ll be more vocal and they will show it.  Sorry but love is not what keeps a relationship, when in doubt ask someone who just got a divorce. 


Love that question we ask ourselves. I wonder…..

Do you love my conversations? Does speaking with me engage your senses Is it my heart that you fell in love with, my ability to selflessly care for other’s? Did you enjoy watching my interactions with children so much that you couldn’t wait till I bared our children? Did my presence bring you comfort and ease? or is it that my goofiness and complete carelessness of how stupid and silly I look in front of you showed how much being myself made you smile. When I get on your last nerves do you give up on me. True love remembers our vows and how much you had to love me to say I do. And some days you may love me more and other days less, but if marriage was easy there would be no divorce. will you forget the vows you took for better or worse and sometimes you have to fall back in love all over again.

Let’s be honest, both partners have changed over time and that’s just life. The problem is too many people’s idea of love is so superficial that they can’t think or feel deep enough to see through their problem. In this day and age, people want things instantly. They treat love like microwave popcorn and think every issue is resolved instantly. Three minutes later they expect you to get over it, five minutes later they expect the hurt will no longer ache. Some people are too selfish to know how to love. If they took the time out to realize how much the other person is hurt they wouldn’t put a clock on their recovery time.